• 13 сентября 2019, пятница
  • Москва


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1972 дня назад
13 сентября 2019 c 18:30 до 23:30

Everyone has heard the phrase “The best friends of girls are diamonds,” most tend to agree, many want to have them. However, units make their choices correctly.

Dear Colleagues! Top-level business club RU TALKS invites companies interested in effective PR and promotion of their product / brand / service among top-level target audience: 

  • owners of large and medium-sized businesses,
  • general directors and their deputies in large corporations,
  • media representatives, dignitaries, officials.

We invite you to participate as a partner / sponsor of the evening: “Get to know everything about diamonds”, which will be held on September 13 in Moscow.

For Partnership / Sponsorship / PR: info@rutalks.club



Restaurant in the center of Moscow (the place is kept secret)



  • The owner of a premium jewelry studio, an expert in planning and creating private jewelry collections,

  • Participant of numerous international jewelry exhibitions,

  • Graduate of the Academy of Moscow State University,

  • Member of the National Gemological Association,

  • Researcher of academic and sacred sources of precious stones.


18:30-19:30 — gathering guests, networking, acquaintance with a collection of diamonds and precious products, welcome reception, music.

19:30-20:30 — lecture 1st part

20:30 — 21:00 — answers to questions

21:00-22:00 — lecture 2nd part

22:00-24:00 — personal consultations from an expert, networking, acquaintance with a collection of diamonds and precious products.

23:30 — closing of the event

GUESTS: Influential persons from business, well-known media people — status men and women (the names of the guests were not disclosed). Personal acquaintance is available for guests of the event. At the meeting we will learn to understand the reasons for which precious stones are the most valuable gift of nature and the main confirmation of material wealth from the beginning of human history. What makes sapphire different from ruby ​​and is it true that Colombian emeralds are the best? How to choose the right diamond and form that jewelry box that you can proudly pass on to your heirs.


  • At the lecture, we will learn the reasons for which not all stones are precious, we will discuss the basic principles of enriching the “big four” (diamond, ruby, sapphire and emerald), and realize the importance of certificates for stones.
  • Is it true that every stone has its own special energy and is able to influence the Owner?
  • You will understand the principles of self-selection of jewelry and the specifics of their purchase in different countries.
  • The lecture can be called mandatory for all who are not indifferent to the world of precious stones and wants to learn how to choose, wear and love jewelry.



  • Influence of jewelry stones on Harmony / Joy / Prosperity.
  • The magic of stones is truth or fiction.
  • "The perfect jewel box" — its composition, structure, essential components and investment potential.
  • The most famous gems in the history of mankind and the cult jewelry of all times: facts, events, the impact on the complete set of reference portfolios of jewels in the modern world.

For Partnership / Sponsorship / PR: info@ru-talks.ru


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